Our services
12 services
Camden CAMHS wellbeing team
We see children, young people and families where there is mild to moderate concerns about anxiety, low mood, and challenging behaviour.
Camden mental health support teams (MHST) in schools
An early intervention, school-based mental health service that works collaboratively with Camden primary and secondary schools.
Camden mosaic
Camden MOSAIC is part of the Integrated Children’s service in Camden.
Eating difficulties and avoidant restrictive food intake disorders (ARFID)
For children and young people with early onset eating disorders and ARFID
A free specialist community service designed to provide consultation to professional networks regarding young people that cause them great concern, specifically in relation to risk and the extreme and criminal behaviour.
Gloucester House
Gloucester House is a leading special school with a uniquely integrated specialist clinical team.
Growing with you: CAMHS children looked after and unaccompanied asylum seekers
We work with children and young people up to 18 years, who cannot live with their parents/families and are cared for in Camden and placed in foster care or residential homes
North and South Camden community CAMHS
We specialise in providing help and treatment for children and young people (0-18 years) with emotional health and wellbeing needs.
Portman clinic for children and young people
Specialist long-term help for children and young people with disturbing sexual behaviours, criminality and violence.
Psychological therapies for autism and learning disabilities
We provide psychological therapies for autistic children, young adults and their families and for those with developmental learning disabilities.
Whole family service
We help people between the ages of 14 and 25 who struggle with any emotional or relational aspect of being an adolescent or young adult.
Whole family service (perinatal)
We are a highly specialist service offering psychological therapy to families during pregnancy and with babies, toddlers and children up to the age of 5 years.