Contact us
Tavistock Centre
We are based in north west London at the Tavistock Centre and the Portman Clinic, but we have services at locations across the south east and beyond.
120 Belsize Lane
Our main switchboard is 020 7435 7111
Get urgent help now
If you are in a mental health crisis, find out how to get help or speak to someone if you need urgent help
Support and complaints
We aim to provide the highest quality care for you and your family and take any complaints very seriously.
Patient advice and liaison service (PALS)
Our patient advice and liaison service is available to anyone who uses our services or would like to find out more.
Contact our media team
We welcome media enquiries on a broad range of subjects, not just those directly relating to mental health.
Your health information
How to access your health information and submit a subject access request.
Support and information in other languages
How to request information in a different language or format
Connecting with us on social media
We use social media to keep people informed about our work, highlight sources of support and raise awareness of issues and events.