Approximately one in four people in the UK have a mental health condition. This means that you probably have a family member, friend or work colleague who has a mental health condition.
It could be depression, or it could be stress – something we can all admit to feeling at times. Perhaps it’s an eating disorder, dementia or bi-polar disorder.
Why do we have members?
As a foundation trust we are accountable to the people we serve, rather than the government. We do this by being a membership organisation. Our membership is made up of our patients and their families, our students, our staff and our local communities.
What does being a member of our Trust mean?
As one of our members you have a say in how we do things. You can get involved in a variety of ways and have many opportunities to let us know your views. Ultimately your involvement will mean that we can make sure we provide services that meet your needs and the needs of your family and community. It’s your NHS and we’re giving you the opportunity to take some control.
Life membership is free and you can become involved as much or as little as you wish.
What do you get?
As a member of the Trust you are able to find out about our work, and you will have the opportunity to give your views about our current work and any changes we make, and you’ll be invited to relevant events.
As a member you will be eligible to nominate and elect governors to represent your views at Board level. Being a member also gives you the opportunity to apply to become a governor.
Become a member
Sign up to become a member of our foundation trust