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Camden mental health support teams (MHST) in schools


Children, Families, Schools, Young people

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We help people with

What we do

We provide an early intervention, school-based mental health service that works collaboratively with Camden primary and secondary schools. We work mainly with young people between the ages of 5 and 18.

We aim to promote and support the mental health of young people and families through early intervention; that is before mental health difficulties become more difficult or when there are mild to moderate concerns around emotions, relationships and/or behaviour that a child may be presenting with. Our service offers brief intervention for young people and families using evidence-based approaches through universal (e.g. whole school approach), targeted (e.g. class or small group intervention) and individual one-to-one therapeutic support (up to 10 sessions). We work closely with schools to think around the particular needs their setting may have and how to address these from a mental health perspective. Our team has a specific focus on supporting schools with their whole school approach to mental health.

What to expect

During your first appointment, you will meet with one or two members of the team who will explore the strengths and challenges of a situation through talking and asking questions.

We know that it can be nerve-wracking talking to people you don’t know so we will take time to get to know you and will explain how we use the information you tell us to work out some helpful next steps.

As a community-based team, we link up with any other professionals that may be involved with a child or family. This enables us to think with the individual young person, and/or family member and/or school staff from a holistic perspective and to consider helpful change.

How to access this service

We accept referrals for young people and families through our linked staff in Camden primary and secondary schools (e.g. the Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator: SENDCo or the Designated Mental Health Lead: DMHL).

Referrals are also accepted from Camden GPs, parents and carers or through self-referral from young people aged 16 years and above.

Please telephone or email us for more information.