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Endocrine service

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Gender identity clinic service



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What we do

Everyone who comes to our gender identity clinic has their hormone levels measured so that we can see if there are any hormonal problems that could affect treatment at the clinic. If any problems are identified we may ask for you to be seen in the endocrine service.

Other people who may be seen at the endocrine clinic include those with other medical problems that can affect hormone treatment, such as diabetes, high blood pressure or liver problems. Only about 1 in 10 of the people attending the clinic are required to be seen in the endocrine service. For the remaining individuals, gender specialists will help GPs to alter hormone levels where necessary.

What to expect

The endocrine service is held on Mondays and Thursdays. The first time you see us, we will take your history and will also usually want to physically examine you and measure your height, weight and blood pressure.

The physical examination may involve the examination of your breasts and/or genitalia. This is necessary to determine if patients have any physical problems that could be affecting the hormone levels in their body. It is, however, extremely unusual for an internal examination to be required. If patients would like a chaperone to be present during their examination then they can let the doctor know and they will arrange this for them.

Patients are all treated with respect and sensitivity at their appointments and it is, of course, every patient’s right to refuse examination. If physical examination is refused, however, the doctor may not be able to give a full opinion on the case.

GPs will also be supported by the endocrinology department when patients are receiving hormones and they can contact the GIC for advice, if needed. This advice may be given by your regular gender specialist or by Dr Seal (Consultant Endocrinologist). If there is a health issue you feel may be related to your hormone treatment, it is best to raise any concerns you have with your GP first. They can then get advice from the GIC or refer you to local doctors if they feel the health issue is not hormone related.

How to access this service

This service is for existing patients of our gender identity clinic.