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Workforce race equality standard – 2022/23

Date: October 2023


The Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) was mandated through the NHS’ standard contract in April 2015: all NHS organisations are required to publish their performance data and action plans against nine indicators of the WRES and make them public. The WRES technical guidance includes the definitions of “white” and “black and minority ethnic”, as used throughout this report and within the narrative for the WRES indicators; the terminology used is therefore reflective of the indicators only and it is acknowledged that they may not be terms our staff prefer to use.

Consequently, this report presents the Tavistock and Portman’s 2022-23 WRES data and associated Action Plan. It provides an overview of the Trust’s scores on workplace inequalities between Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) staff and their White counterparts through nine WRES key indicators that focus on workforce composition and people management, recruitment, bullying and harassment and discrimination as well as BME representation at Board level – see full details of the WRES indicators in Appendix 1. The report identifies where improvements have been made, where more work is required, and suggests countermeasures for ameliorating the gaps.

Key findings from the WRES 2022-23 report

The Tavistock and Portman continues to make incremental progress in identifying and tackling workplace inequalities between BME and White staff that are captured through nine WRES indicators. Though the Trust’s workforce composition does not currently mirror the communities it serves, the number of BME staff has continued to increase gradually over the years. 28.9% of our workforce came from a BME background in 2021/22, in 2022/23 the figure is 30.7%.

Like last year’s report, our data shows changeable trends. This year, progress has been made in four of the nine indicators:

The following areas, whilst showing small regression are still a comparatively positive position at this time:

The following two areas require specific further attention: