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Workforce disability equality standard – 2022/23

Date: October 2023


The Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) was mandated via the Standard NHS Contract in April 2018: all NHS organisations are required to publish their performance data and action plans against 10 metrics of the Workforce Disability Equality Standard and make them public.

Correspondingly, this report presents the Tavistock and Portman’s 2022-23 WDES data and associated Action Plan. The 10 WDES metrics focus on workforce composition, recruitment, relative likelihood of entering a formal capability* process, bullying and harassment, opportunities for career progression or promotion, feeling valued by the organisation, presenteeism, reasonable adjustments, staff engagement, and Board composition. Nationally, the WDES consistently shows that Disabled staff* have poorer experiences at work compared to the experiences of Non-Disabled* staff – see full details of the WDES indicators in Appendix 1 (Page 20). (*It is important to note that some language used throughout the report reflects that of a corresponding metric and is not necessarily language that we use within trust policies or communications).

Key findings from the 2022-23 report

The Tavistock and Portman has already launched a number of initiatives with the aim of tackling barriers faced by existing staff (and/or individuals seeking employment with the Trust) who identify as having a disability or LTHC.

The metrics below are encouraging reflections of work undertaken (whilst recognising that we aim to improve further):

The following metric shows need for improvement in inclusive practices and/or better communication:

The following metrics are key themes where thoughtful and considered action is required to bring about improvement in staff experiences: