Gender pay gap annual report – 2022/23
Date: March 2023
Background and introduction
In March 2018 the Government Equalities Office asked all organisations employing 250 or more staff to report and publish the following metrices:
- Mean Gender Pay Gap
- Median Gender Pay Gap
- Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap
- Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap
- Proportion of Males and Females receiving a bonus payment
- Proportion of Males and Females in each quartile.
The way the Gender Pay Gap data is reported is standard, organisations must produce their respective figures in tables as set out in Appendices (Table 3 to 6) that capture the Tavistock and Portman’s data. For all NHS employers, the NHS Electronic Staff Record system (ESR) has been updated so that they can produce the reports for this annual exercise using default filters.
For the purposes of Gender Pay Gap Reporting, all Trusts have been instructed to split out all payments received by the workforce over the financial year into two defined categories: (a) Ordinary Pay, and (b) Bonus Pay
It should be noted that Gender Pay Gap data includes both staff on Agenda for Change and staff on non-Agenda for Change terms and conditions. Also, Clinical Excellence Awards for medical staff are included in both ordinary and bonus pay calculations.
The definition of Gender Pay Gap is prescribed: it is the difference between the average earnings of men and women, expressed relative to men’s earnings. It must be noted here that whilst gender is not binary. This report conforms to the legal requirements that use the binary sex options (Male/Female) as captured in the NHS ESR system.
2019-20 | 24.2% | 75.8% |
2020-21 | 24.4% | 75.6% |
2021-22 | 24.0% | 76.0% |
2022-23 | 25.6% | 76.4% |
- Male
- Female
Figure 1: Workforce Profile by Gender
- Like trends in other NHS hospitals, the female workforce at the Tavistock ad Portman makes up the majority of our staffing at 76.4%, with the remaining 23.6% being male. These figures suggest that there has been a nominal increase in the number female employees and a slight decrease in the number of male employees over the last three years – see Figure 1 above.
- The data presented in Figure 2 below captures gradual changes that have been made to address the Gender Pay Gap at the Tavistock – Quartile 1 (Q1) is the lowest pay grade and Quartile 4 (Q4) is the highest pay grade:
- Since reporting last year, there has been a slight increase of 0.25% in the number of females in the lowest Quartile of pay, Quartile 1 (Q1). However, females are still underrepresented in this Quartile compared to their male counterparts.
- There has been a gradual decrease in the number of females in the second lowest Quartile of pay, Quartile 2 (Q2), over the last 4 years. In this reporting year, there are 73.49% females in Q2 – this is an underrepresentation of 2.91%. Males are overrepresented by 2.91% in this Quartile.
- There is a slight dip of 0.77% in the number of females in the second highest Quartile of pay, Quartile 3 (Q3), from 77.51% last year to 76.74% in this reporting year. However, female employees constitute 76.4% of the total workforce.
- The number of female staff in the highest Quartile (Quartile 4 – Q4) is 72.81%. Figure 2 suggests that there has been an improvement of 4.16% in this Quartile over the last 4 years, but underrepresentation remains – currently it’s at 3.59%. See Figure 2 below for more detail.
There is national guidance being released from NHSE on how to support colleagues with menopause and to raise awareness. The Trust now has training on ESR (non-mandatory) for staff that to complete. We have also improved our policies, staff can request flexible working where possible. There has been an increase in hybrid working post pandemic which has assisted staff with work/life balance.
Female 2019/20 | 71.04% | 76.09% | 74.32% | 68.65% |
Male 2019/20 | 28.96% | 23.91% | 25.68% | 31.35% |
Female 2020/21 | 76.02% | 76.02% | 75.51% | 70.50% |
Male 2020/21 | 23.98% | 23.98% | 24.49% | 29.50% |
Female 2021/22 | 74.40% | 74.51% | 77.51% | 71.36% |
Male 2021/22 | 25.60% | 25.49% | 22.49% | 28.64% |
Female 2022/23 | 74.65% | 73.49% | 76.74% | 72.81% |
Male 2022/23 | 25.35% | 26.51% | 23.26% | 27.19% |
- Quartile 1
- Quartile 2
- Quartile 3
- Quartile 4
Figure 2: Percentage of Employees in Each Quartile
- The results presented in Table 1 below highlight that the pay gap in the average hourly rate reported this year shrunk by 3.02% (from 10.52% to 7.50%). Deeper analysis demonstrates that one of the major reasons for the pay gap is that there is a higher proportion of men in the most senior bands within the Trust. As highlighted in Figure 1, females represent 76.4% of our workforce yet only represent 72.81% of the workforce in the upper quartile; males represent 23.6%% of our workforce but are overrepresented in the upper quartile (27.19%) – see Figure 2 above for numbers in each Quartile. This means that females are underrepresented by 3.59%% in the most senior bands and males overrepresented by 3.59%.
Table 1: Gender Pay Gap
Gender | Average Hourly Rate 2019-20 | Average Hourly Rate 2020-21 | Average Hourly Rate 2021-22 | Average Hourly Rate 2022-23 |
Male | 25.47 | 26.09 | 26.56 | 26.92 |
Female | 23.44 | 23.52 | 23.76 | 24.90 |
Difference | 2.03 | 2.57 | 2.8 | 2.02 |
Pay Gap % | 7.95% | 9.83% | 10.52% | 7.50% |
- The bonus data relates only to Clinical Excellence Awards (CEA) paid to all eligible substantive Consultant Medical Staff who have been in post for at least a year. However, it is important to note the context and challenges associated with the bonus pay system:
- First, the word ‘bonus’ is perceived as inappropriate in an NHS context. CEAs are not a one-off annual performance payment as would be made by private sector. Instead, it relates to a nationally agreed contractual payment which forms part of the salary package for Consultant Medical Staff.
- Second, this system is prescribed by the British Medical Association (BMA) and NHS Employers – the Trust adopts a nationally agreed system.
- Third, many of the CEAs that are still being paid out are historic and will be maintained until the recipient’s retirement.
That noted, the data presented in Table 2 below suggests that the average bonus pay gap at The Tavistock and Portman has been completely eradicated (from 18.33% in 2019-20 to -1.98% in 2022-23) and this has been maintained for three consecutive years. This is due to the application of equal split approach. In light the effects of the pandemic, and the need to focus resources on the recovery effort, employers were required to equally distribute the LCEA funds (and any remaining from previous years) among all eligible consultants. These were one‐off, non‐consolidated payments in place of a normal LCEA rounds. For 22/23 Employers were able to choose to apply the same approach and we did.
Table 2: Average Bonus Pay
Gender | Average Bonus Pay 2019-20 | Average Bonus Pay 2020-21 | Average Bonus Pay 2021-22 | Average Bonus Pay 2022-23 |
Male | 10,547.23 | 8,769.02 | 10,664.66 | 11,752.30 |
Female | 8,613.70 | 8,696.17 | 10,907.56 | 11.984.86 |
Difference | 1,933.53 | 72.82 | -242.90 | -232.56 |
Pay Gap % | 18.33 | 0.83 | -2.28 | -1.98 |
Actions for the Trust to take
The actions proposed to address the Gender Pay Gap will be considered and agreed as part of the refreshed ED&I Strategy. The following actions are currently proposed:
- We need to increase the focused work to attract more males to work for the Trust, particularly in lower Quartile and in part-time roles. Our adverts and social media will include an increased number of photographs of our male workforce, over the coming 12 months. However, significantly fewer men than women enter the degrees which are needed for many of our clinical roles. We need to identify more ways of making our roles an attractive choice for men to study either at university or through degree apprenticeships.
- Continue to support the development of female staff through mentoring, leadership development and talent management. We need to focus on ensuring that our female staff at lower bands have the confidence, skills and are supported to apply for our more senior posts at band 8A and above, including executive posts.
- The Trust should continue exploring every opportunity, within the confines of national guidance for Local CEA (bonus payments), to ensure that gains that have been achieved over the last 3 years in addressing the gender pay gap that historically arose from Consultant bonus payments are sustained.
- Share our Gender Pay Gap position (7.50% as reported) with all our staff, including the actions we will take to improve our position.
Table 3: Average and Median Hourly Rates
Gender | Average Hourly Rate | Median Hourly Rate |
Male | 26.92 | 23.41 |
Female | 24.90 | 23.41 |
Difference | 2.02 | 0.00 |
Pay Gap % | 7.50 | -0.0034 |
Table 4: Number of employees in each quartile (Q1 low pay to Q4 high pay)
Quartile | Female | Male | Female % | Male % |
Quartile 1 | 159.00 | 54.00 | 74.65 | 25.35 |
Quartile 2 | 158.00 | 57.00 | 73.49 | 26.51 |
Quartile 3 | 165.00 | 50.00 | 76.74 | 23.26 |
Quartile 4 | 158.00 | 59.00 | 72.81 | 27.19 |
Table 5: Bonus Payments
Gender | Avg. Bonus Pay | Median Bonus Pay |
Male | 11,752.30 | 9,045.57 |
Female | 11.984.86 | 9,952.80 |
Difference | -232.56 | -907.23 |
Pay Gap % | -1.98 | -10.03 |
Table 6: Payment of Bonuses by Gender
Gender | Employees Paid Bonus | Total Relevant Employees | % |
Female | 8.00 | 966.00 | 0.83 |
Male | 7.00 | 308.00 | 2.27 |