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Expenditure over £25,000 – May 2024

Date: May 2024

Date Expense Type Expense Area Supplier Transaction Number (invoice ID) Amount Narrative
15/05/2024 Computer Maintenance IT ULTIMA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LTD 50713502                    60,131 Computer Maintenance
08/05/2024 Computer Maintenance IT CONVERGENCE (GROUP NETWORKS) LTD 50409286                    46,735 Data Lines
01/05/2024 Provisions Central UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 50357679                    45,000 Provisions
15/05/2024 Computer Maintenance IT TRUSTMARQUE SOLUTIONS LTD 50788819                    31,249 Computer Maintenance
01/05/2024 Training Education and Training NHS ENGLAND 47963737                    27,832 Professional Fees