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Expenditure over £25,000 – December 2021

Date: December 2021

Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Supplier Transaction Number (invoice ID) Amount Narrative
RNK 17/12/2021 Tax Payable Central INLAND REVENUE CIS 40560554 1,093,736 INLAND REVENUE CIS
RNK 10/12/2021 Legal / Prof fees HR General DAC BEACHCROFT LLP 40339194 113,526 Legal Fees
RNK 10/12/2021 Legal / Prof fees HR General DAC BEACHCROFT LLP 40132530 58,048 Legal Fees
RNK 15/12/2021 External Consultants Gender Identity NB DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 40433896 40,920 External advisory and consultancy
RNK 29/12/2021 External Consultants Gender Identity MMC LTD 40583080 38,000 External advisory and consultancy
RNK 17/12/2021 Consultancy and Agency Capital Cost COUCH PERRY & WILKES ENVIRONMENTAL LLP 40528945 34,506 Relocation Programme  –  Project B
RNK 24/12/2021 Consultancy and Agency Capital Cost TRUSTMARQUE SOLUTIONS LTD 40670707 34,158 ICT Cyber Security Compliance – 2021/22