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Expenditure over £25,000 – August 2021

Date: August 2021

Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Supplier Transaction Number (invoice ID) Amount Narrative
RNK 17/08/2021 Tax Payable Central INLAND REVENUE CIS 39186557 1,021,963 INLAND REVENUE CIS
RNK 11/08/2021 Legal / Prof Fees HR General DAC BEACHCROFT LLP 38928525 65,818 Legal Fees
RNK 13/08/2021 Other clinical costs GIDS LEEDS TEACHING HOSPITALS NHS TRUST 38810063 61,833 Other clinical costs
RNK 27/08/2021 Rent GIC THIRD SECTOR PROPERTY LTD 39351342 56,087 Monthly rent & service charge
RNK 02/08/2021 Capital Expenditure Capital Cost WHITTINGTON HOSPITAL NHS TRUST 38995360 43,040 Mental & Well Being Hub
RNK 18/08/2021 Capital Central TRUSTMARQUE SOLUTIONS LTD 39182052 42,336 IT licences/subscriptions
RNK 11/08/2021 External Consultant Gender NB DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS 39084165 36,600 External advisory and consultancy
RNK 11/08/2021 Capital Expenditure Capital Cost SCOTT BROWNRIGG 39141031 29,736 Relocation Programme  –  Project B
RNK 18/08/2021 Consultancy and Agency Capital Cost CAMDEN AND ISLINGTON ESTATES PARTNERSHIP 38961068 27,920 Relocation Programme  –  Project B