Sabrina Phillips

Sabrina Phillips is the Lambeth Living Well Network Alliance Director. Sabrina is a Mental Health nurse, and worked in South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. Sabrina has a wide range of clinical experience in Acute and community setting, including National & Specialist Children & Adolescent Mental Health. Sabrina has held Senior Operational roles overseeing a varied portfolio of Specialist Community Mental Health Teams for people with Mood and Anxiety issues, Reablement service and Specialist Psychology services such as Croydon Touchstone and IAPT.
Sabrina has also held roles in Quality Improvement, leading on Trust wide programmes that aimed to improve the experience of staff and patients on wards, as well as reduce the length of time service users have to wait for a service or be on a ward. Sabrina interest in Quality stems from her role as Head of Nursing for Southwark and Addictions Clinical Academic Group (CAG).Sabrina is passionate about improving services for people with mental health problems through the provision of equitable high quality care delivered by a compassionate, skilled workforce working in partnership with colleagues from statutory organisations, VCSE, service users and carers and the people living in the community we serve. Sabrina is also a NHS Leadership Academy Ready Now Alumnae and 2020 Florence Nightingale ‘Emerging Leaders’ Scholar.