Ellie Baldwin
I am a research assistant on the Personalised Programmes for Children (PPC) study. I work closely with other members of the team to recruit families and collect data, from child and adult participants, using a range of questionnaire and interview assessments.
I completed an undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Oxford in 2019. As part of this degree, I conducted a research study on the acquisition of complex condition sentences in primary school children. This developed into an interest in child development, and I went on to complete a two-year masters at University College London in Developmental Neuroscience and Psychopathology.
The second year of this programme involved an exchange with the Child Study Centre at Yale University. During this year I worked within the Sukhodolsky lab and conducted research on Emotion Regulation and Aggressive Behaviour in children. I was particularly interested in how Callous and Unemotional traits could impact the causes of Aggressive Behaviour, and how it is treated.
Throughout my masters I worked part-time as a research assistant for the BAOBAB centre, a charity aimed at providing therapy and support for young asylum seekers in the UK. I have also worked for many years as a babysitter for primary school children.