Watch the book launch of Principles of Practice by Principal Social Workers
We were delighted to host the book launch of Principles of Practice by Principal Social Workers on Wednesday 5 July. The event was also streamed online and the recording is now available to watch on our YouTube channel.
Principles of Practice by Principal Social Workers draws on the extensive years of experience of Principal Social Workers to shed light on contemporary issues, such as sustainability, poverty and racism. Each chapter displays an area of practice that has personal resonance for the author, all chapters share the central position of the relationship in social work practice, and ask the reader ‘what does this mean for social work practice?’
The event was chaired by our own Shantel Thomas, Professional Lead for Social Work at the Trust, and Lyn Romeo, Chief Social Worker for Adults, shared opening remarks. The evening’s discussion included readings and conversation around several of the book chapters. Lisa Aldridge, Principal Social Worker (PSW) Hackney, read from her chapter on ‘Poverty and the need for Radical Relational Practice’, Hannah Scaife, PSW South Gloucestershire, from her chapter on ‘Human Rights and Social Work’ and Tendai Murowe, Assistant Director, Southwark, from her her chapter ‘Does Sustainability Have a Place in Social Work?’.
On the evening Dr Tanya Moore, editor for Principles of Practice and Principal Social Worker Essex, said: “Although a lot of the work social workers do looks similar to the work other of professionals, the difference is that we do it within the context and container of a relationship. We think very carefully about what that relationship means and that’s the way that we work with people. That’s the very special quality we bring to the service that we offer. That’s became the theme of the book, working relationally and the relationship in social work practice.”