Creating hope through action for World Suicide Prevention Day
World Suicide Prevention Day takes place on 10 September every year. Dr Stephen Blumenthal shares reflections on the impact of suicide and how we can support those grieving a bereavement.
World Suicide Prevention Day aims to raise awareness of suicide and help spread the message that suicide can be prevented. By creating the conversation the hope is fewer people will die by suicide and those affected through bereavement can also be supported. The theme for 2023 is Creating Hope Through Action which serves as a reminder that we can show people experiencing suicidal thoughts that we care and there is hope.
Dr Stephen Blumenthal, Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the Portman Clinic, featured in the BBC’s groundbreaking documentary with Joey Essex about grief trauma. The documentary explores the impact on Joey following the loss of his mother to suicide. It took Joey many years to speak openly about his experience and he bravely opens up and shows the importance of reaching out, whoever we are. The documentary is available to watch via the BBC and also Box of Broadcasts.
Stephen shared his reflections on the significance of World Suicide Prevention Day and the impact we can make supporting those bereaved by suicide:
“World Suicide Prevention Day is such an important opportunity for us all to think about the devastating impact of losing a loved one by suicide. It is vital for us to acknowledge the long term consequences of losing someone in such tragic circumstances. The effects of such a grief trauma are profound, and can reverberate through life and through generations. Those who have been bereaved by such tragedy need to feel embraced and supported by loved ones and the wider the community.”
Support is available
If you need someone to listen Samaritans can be contacted any time for free at 116 123 or by email to jo@samaritans.org. If you or someone you know has been affected by suicide, the Support After Suicide Partnership provides practical information and helps you find emotional support if you have been impacted by suicide. Facing the Future, a collaboration between Samaritans and Cruse Bereavement Support, provides safe online support groups for people bereaved by suicide where they can talk through their feelings with others who have similar experiences.
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