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2024 open conference refugee care: Our home

19 June 2024
Tavistock Centre or online

Hosted in partnership with the Centre for Trauma Asylum and Refugees (CTAR) within the Department for Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies at the University of Essex.

CTAR will be celebrating the 26th anniversary of Refugee Week in partnership with the Tavistock and refugee agencies.

Meeting in person at the Tavistock Centre in London between 1pm – 7pm (UK time) with the possibility also to participate in some parts via Zoom.

This gathering will be of particular interest to humanitarian, charity and health sector workers, teachers, students, academics, researchers, policy makers, therapists, artists, people with lived experience of seeking sanctuary, human rights activists and people with an interest to learn more about the field of refugee care

All who register will be emailed a full programme closer to the event.

Meanwhile if you have any questions please email

Entry is free and open to all but please register your place.