Trust Policy & Procedure Management
Reference: 23-24376
Date response sent: 01/12/2023
Details of enquiry
- How many policies does your Trust have?
- How many procedures does your Trust have?
- What percentage of your policies are live and in date?
- Do you hold a Legal Register (or similar document) to confirm which policies you must have in place by law?
- Do you employ any scheme of prioritisation, business crticallity or RAG rating to your policies?
- How many staff (if any) does your Trust employee purely to manage policies and procedures? Please indicate this as Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
- What grade(s) are the staff employed to manage policies and procedures?
- If you do not have dedicated staff to manage your organisation’s policies and procedures, how is this governance managed and by which business function?
- Do you use any particular software to manage policies and procedures within your organisation?
Response sent
- How many policies does your Trust have?
34 plus a further 15 which are combined policies and procedures = 49
- How many procedures does your Trust have?
- What percentage of your policies are live and in date?
- Do you hold a Legal Register (or similar document) to confirm which policies you must have in place by law?
Yes. We have a Master Register, which holds details all our policies and procedures, and we hold separate master files for the actual master documents.
- Do you employ any scheme of prioritisation, business criticality or RAG rating to your policies?
Policy Renewals are primarily driven by prevailing expiry dates, though patient-centric policies/procedures are prioritised above others.
- How many staff (if any) does your Trust employee purely to manage policies and procedures? Please indicate this as Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
O FTE. This is part of Business as Usual Activity for the Corporate Governance Team.
- What grade(s) are the staff employed to manage policies and procedures?
This varies from Band 5 up to Director level
- If you do not have dedicated staff to manage your organisation’s policies and procedures, how is this governance managed and by which business function?
See our response to Question 6. Above.
- Do you use any particular software to manage policies and procedures within your organisation?