Staffing Establishment Data
Reference: 24-25422
Date response sent: 28/01/2025
Details of enquiry
- Please list the different categories of mental health staff at the Trust (e.g. nurses, psychiatrists etc)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each category (as listed in response to question 1) as per the Trust’s full staff establishment (i.e. the total FTE number of positions in each category if there were zero vacancies)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each category (as listed in response to question 1) that are currently working for the Trust on any basis (i.e. including all forms of direct and indirect arrangement in each category, in FTE terms)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each category (as listed in response to question 1) that are currently directly employed by the Trust (i.e. how many of the Trust’s own staff are currently employed in each category, in FTE terms, therefore excluding agency, bank and locum staff)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each category (as listed in response to question 1) that are currently working for the Trust under arrangements other than direct employment by the Trust (i.e. how many agency, bank, locum etc staff are currently employed in each category, in FTE terms)
- To give an example of how to interpret questions 1-5: let’s say the Trust has a total of 12 FTE psychiatrist posts in its full establishment, of which it has filled 11.5 FTE posts. Of these 11.5 FTE posts, 7 FTE are directly employed by the trust, 1.5 FTE are bank and 3 FTE are locum. In this scenario, when it comes to the staff category of psychiatrists, the Trust’s response to question 2 would be 12 FTE, question 3 would be 11.5 FTE, question 4 would be 7 FTE, and question 5 would be 4.5 FTE.
- Please list the different subcategories of mental health nursing staff at the Trust (e.g. CAMHS nurse, community mental health nurse)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 6) as per the Trust’s full staff establishment (i.e. the total FTE number of positions in each subcategory if there were zero vacancies)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 6) that are currently working for the Trust on any basis (i.e. including all forms of direct and indirect arrangement in each subcategory, in FTE terms)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 6) that are currently directly employed by the Trust (i.e. how many of the Trust’s own staff are currently employed in each subcategory, in FTE terms, therefore excluding agency, bank and locum staff)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 6) that are currently working for the Trust under arrangements other than direct employment by the Trust (i.e. how many agency, bank, locum etc staff are currently employed in each subcategory, in FTE terms)
- Please list the different subcategories of psychiatrists at the Trust (e.g. general psychiatrist, old age psychiatrist, intellectual disability psychiatrist)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 11) as per the Trust’s full staff establishment (i.e. the total FTE number of positions in each subcategory if there were zero vacancies)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 11) that are currently working for the Trust on any basis (i.e. including all forms of direct and indirect arrangement in each subcategory, in FTE terms)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 11) that are currently directly employed by the Trust (i.e. how many of the Trust’s own staff are currently employed in each subcategory, in FTE terms, therefore excluding agency, bank and locum staff)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 11) that are currently working for the Trust under arrangements other than direct employment by the Trust (i.e. how many agency, bank, locum etc staff are currently employed in each subcategory, in FTE terms)
- Please list the different subcategories of psychologists and psychotherapists at the Trust (e.g. counselling psychologist, child and adolescent psychotherapist, health psychologist)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 16) as per the Trust’s full staff establishment (i.e. the total FTE number of positions in each subcategory if there were zero vacancies)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 16) that are currently working for the Trust on any basis (i.e. including all forms of direct and indirect arrangement in each subcategory, in FTE terms)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 16) that are currently directly employed by the Trust (i.e. how many of the Trust’s own staff are currently employed in each subcategory, in FTE terms, therefore excluding agency, bank and locum staff)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 16) that are currently working for the Trust under arrangements other than direct employment by the Trust (i.e. how many agency, bank, locum etc staff are currently employed in each subcategory, in FTE terms)
- Please list the different subcategories of therapists at the Trust whose roles relate to mental health and/or learning disabilities (e.g. speech and language therapist, occupational therapist, music therapist), excluding those therapists already covered in questions 16-20
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 21) as per the Trust’s full staff establishment (i.e. the total FTE number of positions in each subcategory if there were zero vacancies)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 21) that are currently working for the Trust on any basis (i.e. including all forms of direct and indirect arrangement in each subcategory, in FTE terms)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 21) that are currently directly employed by the Trust (i.e. how many of the Trust’s own staff are currently employed in each subcategory, in FTE terms, therefore excluding agency, bank and locum staff)
- Please state the FTE number of staff in each subcategory (as listed in response to question 21) that are currently working for the Trust under arrangements other than direct employment by the Trust (i.e. how many agency, bank, locum etc staff are currently employed in each subcategory, in FTE terms)
Response sent
The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust is a small specialist outpatient mental health Trust, with a focus on training and education, and not a hospital.
We provide outpatient, and mainly psychological services via talking therapies. We do not provide acute services, nor inpatient patient services, nor detention facilities, and do not have an A&E department.
As you will see below, some of your questions are not applicable to our Trust as we do provide the relevant services to which this information would apply.
We do not hold our data in a way that we can, in a simple form, split out our establishment data 25 different ways to answer each of your questions. This is because we have provided the full establishment list which comprises all staff in post.
The staff whom you classify in your questions as not directly employed by the Trust, ie agency and contract staff, are not centrally managed nor reported at job title nor section/FTE level as they are locally managed, and we do not record our data in a way that we can report on posts filled by incumbents who are not directly employed.
We believe that the attached spreadsheet provides with all the data you have requested and excludes those staff who are not directly employed.
Please note that due to the way the Trust holds its establishment data, we have not been able to run automated reports to extract this data in a single report, hence the separate tabs on the attached excel workbook.
As you will see from our responses, we do not hold the data on our indirectly employed staff in sufficient detail to be able to respond to your questions in this regard, but have provided this for our substantive staff and their roles.
The work undertaken to provide this response has taken considerably longer than the 18 hours resources provisioned under s12 of the Freedom of Information Act. Our staff have willingly put in extra time to answer this very long request, we do strive to provide the data that applicants have requested, whenever possible, and we hope that you are satisfied with this response.
The attached spreadsheet provides all data held by the Trust to answer the following questions.
Q1 All the categories of mental health staff at the Trust, including:
Q2 The numbers of staff in post and their FTE
Q3 We do not indirectly engage clinicians, and our vacancies are listed on
Q4 This does not include indirectly employed staff
Q5 We do not hold the data to report the FTE numbers of staff employed indirectly as this is not centrally managed..
It is seldom that we hire clinical staff through indirect engagement.
Q6 The different subcategories of nursing staff are included in the attached spreadsheet.
Q7 Staff FTE numbers by subcategory are included in the attached spreadsheet
Q8 please see our response to Q5 above. Indirect employment details are not held centrally
Q9 The FTE of our own staff by sub-category is included in the attached spreadsheet
Q10 please see our response to Q5 above. Indirect employment details are not held centrally
Q11 The attached spreadsheet includes the different subcategories of psychiatrists
Q12 See our response to Q7
Q13 See our responses to Q1 and Q5 above
Q14 See our response to Q1
Q15 The Trust does not currently employ any agency nurses. The trust employs other temporary staff in administrative positions, but these are not reported centrally in terms of posts filled and FTE values
Q16 The different subcategories of psychologists and psychotherapists at the list are included in the attached spreadsheet.
Q17 The FTE of each category of staff directly is included in the attached spreadsheet
Q18 See above response
Q19 See above response
Q20 See our response to Q5 above
Q21 the role of a therapist is included in the attached spreadsheet
Q22 See our response to Q17 above.
Q23 See our response to Q17 above
Q24 See our response to Q17 above
Q25 See our response to Q17 above.
File download
24-25422 Staffing Establishment Combined (16 KB, CSV)