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Parking Management and Charges

Reference: 23-24403

Date response sent: 09/01/2024

Details of enquiry

  1. Are the following entitled to free parking at your hospital(s) car parks – indicate Y or N
  2. -disabled people
  3. frequent outpatient attenders
  4. -parents of sick children staying overnight
  5. staff working night shifts
  6. Are the following entitled to free parking at your hospital(s) car parks- indicate Y or N
  7. visitors with relatives who are gravely ill
  8. -visitors to relatives who have an extended stay in hospital
  9. -carers of people in the above groups
  10. Are the following entitled to reduced charge parking at your trust hospital(s) car parks – indicate Y or N
  11. -disabled people
  12. frequent outpatient attenders
  13. -parents of sick children staying overnight
  14. staff working night shifts
  15. Are the following are entitled to reduced charge parking at your trust hospital(s) car parks – indicate Y or N
  16. -visitors with relatives who are gravely ill
  17. -visitors to relatives who have an extended stay in hospital
  18. -carers of people in the above groups
  19. What is the reduced charge for parking at your hospital(s) for those groups who qualify? Please list
  20. Are any of the groups above required to pay in advance and then claim them money back for free parking or reduced charge parking at your hospital(s)? Please list
  21. Who manages your hospital(s) carparks?
  22. How many parking charge notices have been issued at the trust hospital (s) car parks for breaches of parking rules during the past 12 months (or the most recent figures available for a 12 month period)?
  23. How many many appeals have been lodged against the parking charge notices during the past 12 months (or the most recent figures available for a 12 month period)
  24. How many appeals saw a successful outcome for the claimant during the past 12 months (or the most recent figures available for a 12 month period)?

Response sent

  1. Are the following entitled to free parking at your hospital(s) car parks – indicate Y or N
  2. disabled people


  1. frequent outpatient attenders


  1. parents of sick children staying overnight

Not applicable – we do not provide inpatient services

  1. staff working night shifts

not applicable.  Our staff do not work night shifts.

  1. Are the following entitled to free parking at your hospital(s) car parks- indicate Y or N
  2. visitors with relatives who are gravely ill

not applicable.  We do not provide inpatient nor acute services.

  1. visitors to relatives who have an extended stay in hospital

not applicable.  We do not provide inpatient nor acute services.

  1. carers of people in the above groups

not applicable.  We do not provide inpatient nor acute services.

  1. Are the following entitled to reduced charge parking at your trust hospital(s) car parks – indicate Y or N
  2. disabled people

No parking fees chargeable

  1. frequent outpatient attenders


  1. -parents of sick children staying overnight

not applicable.  We do not provide inpatient nor acute services.

  1. staff working night shifts

not applicable.  Our staff do not work night shifts.

  1. Are the following are entitled to reduced charge parking at your trust hospital(s) car parks – indicate Y or N
  2. visitors with relatives who are gravely ill

not applicable.  We do not provide inpatient nor acute services.

  1. -visitors to relatives who have an extended stay in hospital

not applicable.  We do not provide inpatient nor acute services.

  1. -carers of people in the above groups

not applicable.  We do not provide inpatient nor acute services.

  1. What is the reduced charge for parking at your hospital(s) for those groups who qualify? Please list

Not applicable – we do not levy parking fees on patients

  1. Are any of the groups above required to pay in advance and then claim them money back for free parking or reduced charge parking at your hospital(s)? Please list

Not applicable – we do not levy parking fees on patients

  1. Who manages your hospital(s) carparks?

This is managed in-house

  1. How many parking charge notices have been issued at the trust hospital (s) car parks for breaches of parking rules during the past 12 months (or the most recent figures available for a 12 month period)?

Not applicable – we do not levy parking fees on patients

  1. How many many appeals have been lodged against the parking charge notices during the past 12 months (or the most recent figures available for a 12 month period)

Not applicable – we do not levy parking fees on patients

  1. How many appeals saw a successful outcome for the claimant during the past 12 months (or the most recent figures available for a 12 month period)?

Not applicable – we do not levy parking fees on patients