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Electronic Patient Records System

Reference: 24-25460

Date response sent: 03/02/2025

Details of enquiry

  1. Does your organisation have an Electronic Document Management System (eDMS) for digitised patient Health Records? (Yes / No)
  2. Have existing physical (paper) patient Health Records been scanned and digitised within the system?
  3. Are physical (paper) patient Health Records still created and scanned into the eDMS on an ongoing basis?
  4. What is the Health Records eDMS System Name?
  5. Who is the eDMS System Vendor? (If developed in-house by the Trust, please state: ‘in-house’)
  6. What is the eDMS Contract Expiry Date?

In October 2023, The Times published an article on the cost of Health Records Management across NHS England (NHS spent £1bn in five years on storing medical records). We seek an Open Government Licence (OGL) to publish aggregate data for research and academic purposes via Digital Health Intelligence forums.

  1. Please confirm if an OGL is granted for this purpose.

Response sent

  1. Does your organisation have an Electronic Document Management System (eDMS) for digitised patient Health Records? (Yes / No)


  1. Have existing physical (paper) patient Health Records been scanned and digitised within the system?


  1. Are physical (paper) patient Health Records still created and scanned into the eDMS on an ongoing basis?


  1. What is the Health Records eDMS System Name?


  1. Who is the eDMS System Vendor? (If developed in-house by the Trust, please state: ‘in-house’)

Advanced Health and Care Ltd

  1. What is the eDMS Contract Expiry Date?


In October 2023, The Times published an article on the cost of Health Records Management across NHS England (NHS spent £1bn in five years on storing medical records). We seek an Open Government Licence (OGL) to publish aggregate data for research and academic purposes via Digital Health Intelligence forums.

  1. Please confirm if an OGL is granted for this purpose.

You may reproduce this response.  Please note that answers to requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 constitute a release into the public domain anyway, and are, in any event, freely posted on our own website at FOI responses – Tavistock and Portman as well as elsewhere, ie published by others on various websites.