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Document/Policy Management System

Reference: 24-25458

Date response sent: 03/02/2025

Details of enquiry

  1. The name of all document management systems (not patient records) currently in use by your trust.
  2. The name of the policy management system (if any) currently in use by your trust.
  3. The name of any board report portals / systems currently in use by your trust.
  4. The cost of these systems, including any licensing or ongoing support fees.
  5. Whether there are any open tenders or procurement processes related to document or policy management systems that your trust is currently involved in or plans to release in the near future.

Response sent

  1. The name of all document management systems (not patient records) currently in use by your trust.

Sharepoint, Adobe Document Cloud

  1. The name of the policy management system (if any) currently in use by your trust.

Not applicable.  No policy management system is in use.

  1. The name of any board report portals / systems currently in use by your trust.

Virtual Boardroom

  1. The cost of these systems, including any licensing or ongoing support fees.


  1. Whether there are any open tenders or procurement processes related to document or policy management systems that your trust is currently involved in or plans to release in the near future.

No open tenders/procurement processes open.  We do not hold data on any future plans.