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Freedom of information

If you can’t find the information you need from our published sources, we’re committed to answering information requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

What is the act?

The freedom of information act gives you the right to know how our services are run, how much they cost, our targets and results, and how you can make a complaint if you need to.

There are some exemptions, which are managed according to the freedom of information act code of practice and guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Before submitting a request

Before making a request, please look at our publication scheme, which includes a great deal of general information about the Trust

You can view our FOI and EIR disclosure log, which includes all previous requests since 2016

Please note that we are a specialist mental health Trust. Requests for information that are not relevant to our clinical work or the operation of our Trust have mostly not been published, except for the most frequently asked irrelevant questions, (eg A&E services and in-patient departments) in order to further inform potential enquirers reading this log

Information in our freedom of information disclosure log is only accurate as of the date of each response.

Sending a request

All requests must be in writing, either by post or by emailing

Your request should include

  • your full name
  • an address for further correspondence (a postal or email address)
  • describe the information requested (eg “Please send me details of the Trust’s monthly spend on clinical agency/locum staff for the period 2022/23.”)

What happens once you have sent a request

When we receive a request we will confirm that we have received it and let you know how we are going to handle the request

We will then respond within 20 working days with the information, if we have it to give, or tell you if there are reasons why we cannot give it, or why we cannot proceed with your request.

Environmental impact regulations

The environmental impact regulations provide you with the ability to request environmental information relating to our Trust to help inform you about issues affecting the environment.

Please send any environmental impact requests to