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Use of MFDs &/or Managed Print Services

Reference: 23-24515

Date response sent: 19/03/2024

Details of enquiry

A) The name of the current supplier

B) The brand of the equipment provided by the current supplier

C) The name of any print management software used (For example, uniFLOW, Equitrac, PaperCut……)

D) Was there a competitive process or was a “Direct Award” made?

E) Please state the internal “contract ID reference” for this contract

F) The preferred route to market for managed print services. For example, framework, OJEU….

i. If route to market is a framework, please state which.  For example, CCS, HTE, LPP, etc…

G) When is the estimated timeframe that the next tender competition will commence?

H) The start date for the existing contract arrangements (if available)

I) The end date for the existing contract

i. Also, please confirm any extension options on the contract

ii. Also, please confirm if all/any extension options are to be taken

J) The number of MFDs (Multifunctional Devices) in (each) contract

K) Please state the number of “unmanaged” desktop printers (excluding label printers)

i. What brand(s) are these?

L) Please state the number of “label” printers (example brand “ZEBRA”)

i. If you have label printers, are these managed or unmanaged?

ii. If these are managed, until what date please?

M) Will the procurement exercise be conducted by a Procurement Hub, and if so, which one?

N) Can you confirm if there are any plans to conduct a collaborative tender exercise with other Trusts?

i. If so, which Trusts may be involved?

Response sent

A) The name of the current supplier


B) The brand of the equipment provided by the current supplier


C) The name of any print management software used (For example, uniFLOW, Equitrac, PaperCut……)


D) Was there a competitive process or was a “Direct Award” made?

Tender Process

E) Please state the internal “contract ID reference” for this contract

Not applicable

F) The preferred route to market for managed print services. For example, framework, OJEU….

i. If route to market is a framework, please state which.  For example, CCS, HTE, LPP, etc…

Framework,  For example we use a lot of LPP, G-Cloud, but we are not restricted to specific frameworks.

G) When is the estimated timeframe that the next tender competition will commence?

We do not hold this data

H) The start date for the existing contract arrangements (if available)


I) The end date for the existing contract


i. Also, please confirm any extension options on the contract

Yes, two lots of +1 year

ii. Also, please confirm if all/any extension options are to be taken

Yes, both options.

J) The number of MFDs (Multifunctional Devices) in (each) contract

48 MFDs all within one contract.

K) Please state the number of “unmanaged” desktop printers (excluding label printers)

i. What brand(s) are these?

Not applicable – we do not have any

L) Please state the number of “label” printers (example brand “ZEBRA”)


M) Will the procurement exercise be conducted by a Procurement Hub, and if so, which one?

We do not hold this data.

N) Can you confirm if there are any plans to conduct a collaborative tender exercise with other Trusts?

i. If so, which Trusts may be involved?

We do not hold this data.